as salam anda...korg penah x dgr name supplement Evening Primrose Oil?? btw aku bru je start mkn supplement nie..mule2 tu risau gak lar kot2 x elok ke ape ker lepas beberpa lame guna produk nie,yeah alhamdulilah i'm getting better..sgt brterima kasih kpd my bestie ALOYA sbb syor an supplement ni kat aku.
banyak khasiat lau ambik supplement nie..aku bukn lar nak promote tp aku just share kat korg je..x salah an bnda baik mcm ni di kgsi brsama..antara kebaikan atau khasiat yg kta dpt ble ambk supplement nie ialah ::
1- Baik untuk kesihatan jantung dengan merendahkan tahap kolestrol, tekanan darah tinggi dan mengurangkan risiko pembentukan darah beku
2- mengurangkan PMS dan cramp semasa period dan mengawal kitar haid
3- mengurangkan simtom dan kesakitan cystic breast.
4-Menggalakkan kulit sihat, baik untuk melembapkan kulit dan mengawal kulit berminyak, utk kulit awet muda,nmpak lebih glow, legakan ekzema dan elergi kulit.
5- Menambahkan anti-inflammatory/ anti keradangan
6- melancarkan penghadaman
7-kurangkan simtom menopause
8-baiki rambut kering, kulit kepala gatal
9-kuatkan kuku yang menggelupas atau pecah
10-kurangkan smtom yg dialami akibat 'alcohol withdrawal' (berhenti dr alkohol) dan elakkan kerosakan hati dan sistem saraf yg disebabkan oleh alkohol.
11-merawat arthritis
12-membaiki sistem ketahanan badan (immunity)
bukan tu je,lau makn supplemnt ni kta juga boleh mengelakkan :
4-Multiple Sclerosis - masalah pada sistem saraf
6- PMS - pre menstrual syndrome
2- mengurangkan PMS dan cramp semasa period dan mengawal kitar haid
3- mengurangkan simtom dan kesakitan cystic breast.
4-Menggalakkan kulit sihat, baik untuk melembapkan kulit dan mengawal kulit berminyak, utk kulit awet muda,nmpak lebih glow, legakan ekzema dan elergi kulit.
5- Menambahkan anti-inflammatory/ anti keradangan
6- melancarkan penghadaman
7-kurangkan simtom menopause
8-baiki rambut kering, kulit kepala gatal
9-kuatkan kuku yang menggelupas atau pecah
10-kurangkan smtom yg dialami akibat 'alcohol withdrawal' (berhenti dr alkohol) dan elakkan kerosakan hati dan sistem saraf yg disebabkan oleh alkohol.
11-merawat arthritis
12-membaiki sistem ketahanan badan (immunity)
bukan tu je,lau makn supplemnt ni kta juga boleh mengelakkan :
4-Multiple Sclerosis - masalah pada sistem saraf
6- PMS - pre menstrual syndrome
hah ni bukan men2 tau,ni siyes pyer..kesannye aku sndri dah alami..based on my exprnced,aku da x mgalami sakit pinggang+senggugt+muntah2 masa dtg bulan..memg pd korg2 yg mgalmi maslh cam aku,aku syor an guna lar EPO nie..memg sgt baik utk kesihatan korg espcially pd kaum hawa..lau bukn kta yg nak jga ksihatn sndri,sape ag an yg nak tlg jga an utk kita an..hee
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ni lar dy produk yg aku ckp tu..EPO.. |
***sedikit sebanyak tentang EPO::
The oil of evening primrose is very rich in polysaturated comega-6 fatty acids, which are necessary fatty acids that body needs to complete numerous functions including insulin absorption, regulating the heart, and regulating mood. The body does not manufacture these fatty acids on its own, so they have to be taken as food or food supplements. Aside from the omega-6 fatty acids, evening primrose oil has linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid (“GLA”). Both of these acids are very important and very beneficial to general well-being. Linoleic acid is thought to help the body make use of insulin, regulate weight, and prevent cancer and heart disease. GLA is thought to reduce swelling or irritation. Because of the high GLA content of evening primrose, it is recommended to help treat inflammatory ailments like asthma or arthritis. Research also indicates that evening primrose could benefit sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome, but little is understood about chronic fatigue syndrome and further studies are needed.
Evening primrose oil is also used to treat the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome, menopause, and the soreness of the breasts that often accompanies menstruation. GLA is often recommended to help ease the discomforts of PMS, and evening primrose has high levels of GLA. However, systematic testing of these applications is lacking. Many of the benefits of evening primrose have yet to be thoroughly studied.
Evening primrose oil can be taken both internally and externally. It has been known to improve acne, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin problems. Evening primrose oil is also used in many lotions and creams since it has emollient properties that hydrate and soften the skin.
Evening primrose oil is also used to treat the symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome, menopause, and the soreness of the breasts that often accompanies menstruation. GLA is often recommended to help ease the discomforts of PMS, and evening primrose has high levels of GLA. However, systematic testing of these applications is lacking. Many of the benefits of evening primrose have yet to be thoroughly studied.
Evening primrose oil can be taken both internally and externally. It has been known to improve acne, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin problems. Evening primrose oil is also used in many lotions and creams since it has emollient properties that hydrate and soften the skin.